Firearms Lawyer Newcastle

Firearms offences are treated seriously by the Courts and the penalties imposed can be severe. It is important that you speak to a criminal lawyer who has the expertise to help you understand your rights and ensure you achieve the best possible outcome.
In NSW, using or possessing an unauthorised firearm carries a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment. Firearms and prohibited weapon offences are offences under the Firearms Act 1996 which regulates the unauthorised possession, use, manufacture and supply of firearms.
There are different classes of firearms offences, depending on the type of firearm and the licence associated with that firearm. The list below outlines the types of firearms offences that police can charge someone with:
- Possession of unregistered firearm
- Causing danger with firearm or spear gun
- Firing at dwelling houses or buildings
- Possess unlicensed firearm or prohibited firearm
- Unregistered firearms
- Unauthorised possession of firearms in aggravated circumstances
There are a number of different penalties that could be imposed by the Courts depending on the nature of the firearm offence. These include but are not limited to:
- Imprisonment
- Home Detention
- Intensive Corrections Order (ICO)
- Suspended Sentence
- Community Service Order (CSO)
- Good Behaviours Bond
- Community Corrections Order (CCO)
- Fines
- Section 10A
- Section 10
- Conditional Release Order (CRO)
If you have been charged with a firearms offence in Newcastle or the surrounding areas, it is important to know your rights by speaking to an experienced criminal lawyer without delay. Book a free, private and confidential consultation by calling Conditsis Lawyers Newcastle on 02 4058 5844 or complete our Contact Us form to have a lawyer contact you.