Murder and manslaughter are the most serious of all criminal offences. They are strictly indictable offences that must be finalised in the Supreme Court. Being charged with a criminal offence like murder or manslaughter can have life-changing consequences, so it is critical to get the right advice and representation immediately.
The Court process for murder and manslaughter charges in NSW is complex. Our award-winning team of criminal lawyers can advise and guide you through the entire process.
Manny Conditsis and Michal Mantaj have both run high profile murder and manslaughter cases and are Accredited Criminal Law Specialists and Trial Advocates. To become this highly qualified, legal practitioners must undergo a complex, independent and objective accreditation process.
This process recognises those lawyers who have the highest level of expertise in Criminal Law. Manny and Michal are two of only a few Trial Advocates in the state.
At Conditsis, all our lawyers maintain a strong focus on fighting hard to achieve justice. They will leave no stone unturned to maximise your chances of achieving the best possible outcome.
If you have been charged with murder or manslaughter in the Newcastle area, you need the best team on your side. Call Conditsis Lawyers Newcastle now on 02 4058 5844 to arrange a free first consultation with one of our criminal lawyers.